...Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting...
-Dr. Seuss

Monday, August 25

This Seems Oxymoronic

Or, just plain moronic. I'm not sure which.

I ran across a link for Batter Blaster on a message board. Batter Blaster is a product designed for busy people who want yummy pancakes for breakfast but don't have time to make them from scratch. Or even defrost pre-made frozen pancakes. But wait, there's more! They are also organic.

Organic batter being blasted from a can just seems so wrong. Isn't one of the arguments in favor of organic food and farming supposed to be that it produces less waste? The blasting can, therefore, seems superfluous. And slightly unnatural.

I'm not against blasting food out of cans (hello, where would we be without EZ Cheez?) but I don't think manufacturers should be slapping organic food labels on their spray can packages to give consumers a false sense of warm fuzzies about saving the planet.

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