...Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting...
-Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, September 3

A Sock, a Solvent, and a VP Hopeful: Random Musings

One of my friends sent me a sock in the mail. And not just any sock, but a Peeps sock (like the bright yellow marshmallow goodies with an 11,000 year half life). Inside was a hand-illustrated flamingo and web address www.strangeandsillythings.com (not to be confused with just the boring www.strangeandsilly.com) written on a 3x5 card. She kind of let the cat out of the bag over the weekend about receiving a bizarre parcel in the mail but I can't hold it against her. I can't keep secrets when it comes to gifts either. But, the bottom line is... PARTY! Yea-ah!!

Next up, in regards to an earlier posting about CLUI and styrofoam recycling, I did find a product that is marketed as an all natural, earth-friendly, biodegradable, non-toxic, multi-purpose cleaning agent called Citrus King ("is there anything their product can't do?" she asks with starry eyes). On the website there is a series of photos showing a cube of styrofoam being dissolved by their product thereby reducing the volume of the styrofoam to 1/20 of its original size. I do see that decreasing the volume of styrofoam before disposal could definitely be a handy thing yet I imagine the solvent to be corrosive, and to possibly release super harmful gases during melt down. I see the Wicked Witch of the West steaming and screaming and melting... Now, I know that this is irrational, and that a product that asserts its non-toxicity and earth-friendliness is not going to do any of these things. But I would still be afraid to use it. At least without a proper demo, you know.

And lastly, an interesting Op-Ed piece in the LA Times today by Sam Harris and his addendum:
I've received more than the usual amount of criticism for my recent opinion piece on Sarah Palin, most of it alleging sexism and/or an unseemly infatuation with Barack Obama. For those who care, I'd like to briefly respond:

My alleged sexism: It is true that I used some hackneyed, gender-slanted language in the piece ("get sassy," "girl-next-door," etc.). This was deliberate. Clearly, I played this game at my peril. I can say that if Sarah Palin were a man of similar qualifications, I would have used equally slanted language to describe him. I might have called Mr. Palin a "frat-boy" or a "lumberjack." I would have invoked some silly macho phrasing like,"Watch Cousin Jim flip Putin the bird." My concern is not that Mrs. Palin is a woman. My concern is that she is a totally unqualified and poorly educated woman who was added to the Republican ticket as a token woman (and Creationist wacko). For what it's worth, the article was vetted by the two women closest to me (wife and mother) and by two female editors at the LA Times. If anything, the editing at the Times made the piece even more "sexist."

My alleged Obamamania: Many McCain supporters have written to say that (1) Obama is also unqualified (or even less qualified than Palin) and (2) I have shown myself to be a hypocrite by not objecting to Obama's religiosity. Briefly: My criticism of Palin should not be construed as uncritical acceptance of Obama. Needless to say, I find Obama's religious pandering repulsive. The suspicion that he is pandering, out of obvious necessity, and not quite as religious as he makes out, is somewhat comforting, however. But even if Obama were precisely as religious as he appears, he is not a Creationist, Rapture-Ready blockhead. Palin, by all appearances, seems to be one. This is a difference worth noting. Whatever you may think of his politics, Obama is very intelligent and reasonably well educated. Palin thinks the universe is 6000 years old. Unfortunately, I wrote my article before some of the most disturbing signs of her religious extremism came to light.

So, let me simply declare that I would be overjoyed to have a qualified woman in the White House. I would, likewise, be overjoyed to have a qualified African American in the White House. In fact, I would be overjoyed to have a qualified WASP man in the White House. I will be guardedly optimistic to have a very smart (and somewhat qualified) Barack Obama in the White House. And I would be frankly terrified to have a religious bumpkin like Sarah Palin in the White House. I think you should share this last conviction. Hence my latest opinion piece.


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