...Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting...
-Dr. Seuss

Friday, June 13

FREE Open Water Swim Clinic

I repeat: FREE. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in doing a triathlon. Learn what you need to know about open water swimming and get a personalized analysis of your swim. I will be there so if you register let me know!

FREE Open Water Swim Clinic
Saturnday, June 21st, 8 am
Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier in Long Beach

The clinic begins at 8:00am and will run until 9:30am. This clinic will be both in and out of the water, so come prepared to swim.

Click here to register for the FREE clinic.

The Swim clinic will be hosted by Steven Munatones (www.10Kswim.com), a USA Swimming National Team open water coach, the 1982 world open water swimming champion and an inductee in the International Marathon Swimming Hall of Fame who started his own swimming career in the waters of Naples Island.
The FREE Open Water Swim clinic is open to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. The clinic will provide a wealth of information for those who want to try something new and for those who want to enhance their competitiveness for the Pacific Open Water Challenge and other open water races or triathlons.

Steven will cover the key elements of open water racing, including The Start, Navigation in Open Water, Race Strategies, Feeding (including Gel Pack Placement and Preparation), Buoy Turns and The Finish. In-the-water demonstrations of all elements will be explained. Free samples of the latest nutrition option for endurance athletes, will be offered to all participants.

Each participant will also receive a free Individual Swim Analysis Report - that is the same kind of report that America's Olympic open water athletes receive.

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