...Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting...
-Dr. Seuss

Monday, June 9

Swimming Turns

On race day the only turn you have to worry about is rounding the last buoy. However, swimming laps in the pool while training for the race is another story. Each time you come to the wall you will need to do one of two turns. The open turn is easy to master but slow. The flip turn is faster but takes some practice.

To do an open turn approach the wall, reach out with your leading hand, swivel your feet toward the wall while your head moves toward the lane (trailing arm is now leading arm), push off the wall with your feet.

The first thirty seconds of this video show the open turn well (they call it "One Hand Side Turn").

If you decide to use flip turns don't use the wall when you first start practicing. Instead practice in the middle of the lane and simply go through the motions of the half somersault with a dolphin kick. Once you feel comfortable with that move to the wall. Here is a page that gives detailed instructions with pictures. And below is a video that does a great job of breaking down the flip turn.

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