...Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite. Or waiting around for Friday night or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil or a better break or a string of pearls or a pair of pants or a wig with curls or another chance. Everyone is just waiting...
-Dr. Seuss

Sunday, September 16

King Spa and Sauna

Yeah, it's that classy.
Today Alex took us to King Spa and Sauna in Dallas.  It's a Korean style spa that is unlike any spa I've ever visited.

For you are assigned a "uniform."  The uniforms are orange for women (just like prisoners...), grey for men, yellow for children, and pink is reserved for, um,  plus-sized people.  Oh, and did I mention, the uniforms are ugly?  They look like high school gym clothes.

And don't loose your towel.  It is customary to roll up both ends and wear it on your head to recreate the Princess Leia look.

Anyway, there were about a dozen or so different sauna rooms including one that looked like a giant tagine (and at 210F it felt like one too), one that shaped like a pyramid and lined with gold, and one made of salt.  It reminded me of a buffet of saunas, or possibly a casino.  I'm not sure.

The spas were separate for men and women, and swimsuits were not optional.  No, it was au naturel all the way.  Birthday suits only.  And, in the women's sauna the dividers had Bart and Homer Simpson etched on the glass.  Kinda weird.  There were four different hot soaking tubs, a steam room and a cold plunge pool.  That was divine.

The massage therapists in the spa wear only a bra and panties.

It's open 24 hours a day and they encourage people to spend the night and heck, why not?  It's a lot cheaper than a motel.  There's even a restaurant.  And free wifi.

We Gangnam Style dance walked all over the spa. 

Okay, not really.

But seriously, it was pretty nice, different but nice, and if there was one near me I would be a regular.  Here's a great review by D Magazine.

Thanks Alex - another instant classic.

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